How to Downgrade iOS 11.2.5 to iOS11.2/iOS11.2.1 With iTunes?

How to Downgrade iOS 11.2.5 to iOS11.2/iOS11.2.1 With iTunes? - Hello friends 3uTools Iphone, On this occasion I will discuss the article entitled How to Downgrade iOS 11.2.5 to iOS11.2/iOS11.2.1 With iTunes?, I have provided various other latest articles. hopefully the article that I wrote is useful for you all..

Written by : 3uTools Iphone
Title : How to Downgrade iOS 11.2.5 to iOS11.2/iOS11.2.1 With iTunes?

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How to Downgrade iOS 11.2.5 to iOS11.2/iOS11.2.1 With iTunes?

As we posted before, you can easily downgrade your iOS device running on iOS 11.2.5 to iOS 11.2.1 or iOS 11.2 with 3uTools. This tutorial aims to show you another way to downgrade iOS 11.2.5 using iTunes. 

* Customized back up your iOS device before downgrading

* Download the iPSW you want

* turn off the iOS 11 update notification reminder

Step1: Install iTunes on your PC. If you’ve installed it, please update it to the version 12.5 or above. You can use 3uTools to download and install iTunes.

Step2: After that, run iTunes and connect your iOS device to iTunes with the USB cable. Then you’ll see iPhone icon on the top left corner, click it. If you can’t see this icon, please check if you use the original USB link. If not, you’re suggested to change a USB cable.

Step3: Then you’ll see the related info about your iOS device, select the checkbox This computer and click Back Up Now. Then iTunes will back up all the data of your iOS device, just wait till this process is finished.

Step4: Download iOS 11 iPSW you want.

Step5: After downloading iPSW, press Shift + Check for Update, then you can downgrade your iPhone from iOS 11.2.5 to iOS 11.2 - iOS 11.2.2 with data. If you press Shift + Restore iPhone, then you’ll clean up your iOS device. If you are Mac user, please press Alt + + Check for Update or Alt+ Restore iPhone.

Step6: Choose the iOS 11 iPSW from your PC.

Step7: Then you’ll get a reminder, please click Restore to continue.

Step8: iTunes will start to downgrade your iOS device to iOS 11-11.2.2, the whole process will take 3 minutes in general. After that, you need to activate your iOS device by manually and check the iOS version.

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