This Tweak Lets You Spoof Your Status Bar’s Carrier and Signal Information

This Tweak Lets You Spoof Your Status Bar’s Carrier and Signal Information - Hello friends 3uTools Iphone, On this occasion I will discuss the article entitled This Tweak Lets You Spoof Your Status Bar’s Carrier and Signal Information, I have provided various other latest articles. hopefully the article that I wrote is useful for you all..

Written by : 3uTools Iphone
Title : This Tweak Lets You Spoof Your Status Bar’s Carrier and Signal Information

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This Tweak Lets You Spoof Your Status Bar’s Carrier and Signal Information

The new Signal jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Sniper_GER is a blast from the past, as it lets you spoof the Status Bar's cellular information on any jailbroken device whether you have service or not.

Not only can you use Signal to spoof your cellular information, but you can also customize your carrier text just as we did in our screenshot example above.

After installation, you can visit the Signal preference pane in the Settings app to configure the tweak:

Signal is merely a cosmetic tweak, but there's a lot of fun to be had with it. If you want to give it a try, you can download Signal for free from Cydia's BigBoss repository. The tweak works on all jailbroken iOS 10 devices, and its source code is available to the public eye on GitHub.

Thus our article entitled This Tweak Lets You Spoof Your Status Bar’s Carrier and Signal Information,do you like the article hopefully this article can benefit you all.

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